

COSEHQ’s HIPAA compliant data warehouse of collected clinical, lab and drug data currently represents a Southeast regional patient population of over 1.5 million.

This wealth of populated data when analyzed defines the prevalence of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases, describes a landscape of associated treatments used to treat these diseases, and identifies existing evidence-based gaps in care management.

Our database and what we can do

We use point-of-care clinical data to evaluate how patient health care is being managed. Data is retrieved seamlessly from practice-based electronic health records through a data user agreement to the data warehouse where it is analyzed to identify gaps in clinical care, trends, and to evaluate the results of implemented clinical strategies and services.

We are able to aggregate the data in various formats and stratify by clinician, practice, health care network, and even geographically. This allows us to target professional education, strategies and research at the local, regional and national level.

Practices that submit data to the database receive a quarterly performance dashboard. This real-world evidence is analyzed to evaluate achievement towards evidence-based clinical goals. Practices are benchmarked with Southeastern regional peer groups, and are able to see their progress over time by the trending provided in the reports.

Group of healthcare workers with digital tablet meeting in hospital boardroom. Medical staff during morning briefing.

Data Sharing

Clinical and health outcomes data is shared both publicly and privately through client and consumer reports. De-identified data reports have been issued at the federal and state level with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, payers, and state-based health departments. Results of our data-driven projects can be seen in Our Work.

COSEHQ designs customized data reports to others for purposes of research, health outcomes evaluation, and quality improvement initiatives through an agreed upon data user agreement or joint partnership arrangement.